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About The Firm
The Akers Firm was formed in 2014, a spin off from a long established trial firm, Phillips Akers Womac which had merged with a larger, regional firm. Sensing the need for both autonomy and the ability to service its long standing and loyal clients, The Akers Firm picked up where its predecessor left off.
After two years at the District Attorney’s Office and half a decade practicing with the Cogdell Law Firm, one of the most preeminent White-Collar Criminal Defense firms in the Country, Cordt Akers joined the Akers firm and opened our criminal defense and investigations section.
It is not enough to be successful. It is not enough to be admired by your peers. It is not even enough to be a "success" in the eyes of your clients. What is required is a constant quest for excellence. Excellence is our expectation of both the judicial system and ourselves. We expect that our friends - as well as our adversaries - will conduct themselves in a professional fashion, and we demand that our standards be the ones followed, not those of a lesser individual. We seek excellence. Excellence does not mean excess. It means obtaining the best possible result given the time, money and opposition involved in each legal service we are called upon to deliver.
Our philosophy is simple: treat the client as we would like to be treated were we the client, and provide more than what we are paid for. We do not promise success. No lawyer can or should hold out that expectation. But we can treat the client's interests as if they were our own, and to take it very, very personally. And, in the process we think we enhance the client's reputation by the selection the client made of its counsel. Judges, opposing counsel, and the Bar make decisions based, in part, on reputation. Akers is a name that means something in Texas. We believe in helping others. We believe in leaving things behind better than when we arrived. And, we expect the client to help, too. The client is an integral part of our team. There is no other way to put it. Some clients will want to be distant. Some will want to have more participation. That is their choice. Either way, the client is a team participant, and the whole effort is improved by this joint participation.
And finally, our philosophy is that the American Legal System is the greatest system in History for resolving disputes between citizens. We believe strongly in the right of trial by jury, of the common wisdom of our neighbors, of the Rule of Law. We recognize that no system is perfect. But, we are committed to our Legal System, and to this end we are dedicated to pro bono programs, participation in Bar functions, serving as speakers for Continuing Legal Education seminars, election to office, and conducting ourselves in ways that will cause our friends and neighbors to look on us and our firm with admiration. We don't criticize the System. We try to improve it.
"Lord, grant that I may be able in argument, accurate in analysis, strict in study, candid with clients and honest with adversaries... and stand beside me in court, so that today I shall not, in order to win a point, lose my soul."
- St. Thomas More
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